She is in beautiful feather and is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Very precious!
So far she has let me rub her feet and her beak. Of course if I let her she would definately give me a nip. I gave her a tongue depressor wrapped in paper and she loved it. I also put a small toy with wood pieces in her cage. We shall see if she likes it.
Here are some of the things I know about her:
- Her right leg was broken around 6 months of age.
- She likes cashews,cheese, peanut butter on toast, cranberry juice with no sugar(28 oz water to 4oz juice).
- She likes to cuddle in your shirt if she gets a little chilly.
- She has only had one previous owner.
- She is a wood chewer.
- She does not talk but imitates dogs.
- She understands up, down, come, and go poopy. Of course as all birds do, she does this on her terms.
- She likes to have a perch outside her cage to play on.
- She is used to being out of her cage at least 4 hours per day.
- She likes toys but new ones take her a little while to get used to.
- She is territorial. Not just her cage but the whole house.
- She is used to being covered at night and has a blanket for that purpose.
- If she is biting say,"No Hard" and she will usually ease up.
- She instigates bathing about 1x per week. When this happens put a dish with water inside her house.
She's beautiful!
What a beautiful girl! And she is going to adjust beautifully, from what I've seen on your first 3 days.
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